Self-published author Aidan Phelan says of his first work, the historical novel “Glenrowan” that it is ‘the story of how one man’s burning obsession can have far reaching consequences, and how a tiny town between towns became as iconic as Gettysburg or Waterloo’. Actually, most Australians know almost nothing about Glenrowan, and anyone who did, […]
Month: August 2020
Why was Ned Kellys trial moved from Beechworth to Melbourne?
The following Post was originally submitted as a Comment by Dr Stuart Dawson to my review of Graham Frickes book “Neds Nemesis”. Instead Ive posted it here, with Stuarts permission, because I felt this identification and debunking of yet another Kelly myth warranted greater exposure. Dawson discusses the claim promoted by Ian Jones thats become […]
Book Review : Neds Nemesis : Final Part

Anyone who has read Frickes book and part One of my review might be wondering why I completely ignored its first four chapters. In those Chapters Fricke provides what he must have thought was relevant background detail, describing the origins of Melbourne itself, of Redmond Barrys early life in Ireland, the colonial milieu into which […]
Book Review : Neds Nemesis by Graham Fricke. (Part ONE)

“Ned Kelly as we all know, was no angel. But how much better was his nemesis, Sir Redmond Barry, who sentenced Ned to death and who succumbed to Kellys courtroom curse by dying within two weeks of the bushranger’s execution?” That question is asked on the back cover of “Neds Nemesis”, a small book written […]