The latest in the endless stream of books about the Kelly story has just come to my attention. It’s a photographic travel guide, only the third that I have seen, the other two being the elegant “Photographic Journey” by Brendan Kelson and John McQuilton, and the hopeless and forgettable “Introduction to Ned Kelly” by Jack […]
Month: November 2018
Ned Kellys words were often lies

When it comes to the words of Ned Kelly, why do we often read “I am a widows son, outlawed, and my orders must be obeyed” but almost never read “I will not exactly show them what cold blooded murder is but wholesale and retail slaughter, something different to shooting three troopers in self-defence and […]
NEWS FLASH: Ned Kelly found GUILTY at properly conducted re-trial.

On the 138thanniversary of Ned Kellys execution, it’s an appropriate time to once again discuss the mythology that is promoted about his trial. It ended on October 29th with Ned Kellys conviction for the murder of Constable Thomas Lonigan, and the sentence of Death was carried out twelve days later, on November 11th1880. Just last […]
How Long Was Ned Kellys Last Stand?

(This is a guest post contributed by Stuart Dawson, who recently set out to investigate and tackle an unresolved question in the Ned Kelly commentary. It is posted here to encourage feedback for correction and improvement. It is intended to be part of a future, longer research article on Ned Kelly’s Last Stand.) Did […]