2024 was a great year for anyone interested in discovering the true story of Ned Kelly, but for people interested in propping up myths about Ned Kelly, it was a year much like several preceding it, a rotten one, with one setback after another… Last year was a great one for people with a […]
The Latest Kelly Gang Book Review :

In the 1995 Kelly biography by the author who used to be known as Australia’s ‘foremost authority’ on the Kelly Outbreak, the subject of this new biography, James Wallace, is mentioned only three times. He is described as ‘a double agent’, he is recorded as being a schoolmate of Aaron Sherritt and Joe Byrne and […]
JOHN HARBER PHILLIPS 2003 KERFERD ORATION: Ned Kelly and the North-Eastern Victorian Republican movement.

A Critique of the 2003 Kerferd Oration by John Harber Phillips This lecture, delivered 21 years ago by John Phillips, former Chief Justice of Victoria, now deceased, argued that the evidence was strong that in 1880 there was a North Eastern Victorian Republican Movement, and it was led by Ned Kelly. In 2003 there was […]

To relieve anyone interested in the discussion about Rockets of the necessity to wade through over 200 comments about them in the Facebook thread, here is a summary and the final word. A single person, Constable Arthur claimed two rockets “one small one large” were fired during the siege at Glenrowan, from somewhere between […]
The Problems with Rockets

The blinkered Kelly cult members on BBM are wetting the bed over David Duftys entirely plausible suggestion that what Const. Arthur reported as rockets in the sky above Glenrowan on the night of the siege was actually an emission of sparks that spontaneously discharged themselves from the train waiting at the ready at the station. […]

In his big new book “A Certain Truth’, Bill Denheld puts to paper his thoughts on a very wide range of topics that relate to the history of the Kelly gang. Bills approach seems to be to rake over the coals of dormant and even resolved controversies, to toss lots of interesting, not necessarily fully […]
Ned Kelly 2024 and the myth of a republic of North-Eastern Victoria is still a myth!

This post is the final Part 8 of a review of Bill Denheld’s Ned Kelly – Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth (2024), by Stuart Dawson. It asks, why was Kelly’s murder trial moved to Melbourne? And what has that got to do with a republic? As before, bracketed numbers, e.g., (xx), refers to pages […]
Two big questions from Bill’s big book: Were there any Kelly links to political movements, and did James Wallace have a hand in writing the Jerilderie letter?

This post is Part 7 of a review of Bill Denheld’s Ned Kelly – Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth (2024), by Stuart Dawson. As before, bracketed numbers, e.g., (xx), refers to pages in Bill’s book. Were there any Kelly links to political movements? Bill presents a flow chart showing links between the Gorman family, […]
Sympathiser numbers: Bill says there were thousands of them! Part 6 of a review of Bill Denheld’s ‘A Certain Truth’ by Stuart Dawson

This post is Part 6 of a review of Bill Denheld’s Ned Kelly – Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth (2024), by Stuart Dawson. As before, bracketed numbers, e.g., (xx), refers to pages in Bill’s book. Sympathiser numbers Bill disputes two comments in my Republic Myth book: first, that I said that the Kelly gang […]
Rewards, Politics and Police in Bills Big Book “A Certain Truth”

This post is Part 5 of a review by Stuart Dawson of Bill Denheld’s Ned Kelly – Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth (2024). As before, bracketed numbers, e.g., (xx), refers to pages in Bill’s book. Were the Kelly brothers hunted for reward monies after the Fitzpatrick incident? Bill wrote that while on the […]