For $8 you can look at this valuable Kelly photo for about 5 seconds at the Kelly Vault. I’m not going to do what the Vault did, and play games with everyones interest in this Photo, subjecting us all to drawn out guessing competitions, exposures of tiny bits of the image, a long slow campaign […]
Month: November 2016
Expelled from the NKC : the Emails

For the record, here is the entire unredacted actual content of the email discussions I had with Ned Kelly Central about my expulsion from their Facebook Page. Here also are the email discussions about their actions afterwards when they posted a Comment of mine from my FB page, allowing anyone to attack it in any […]
Please Explain…
This is the image published in the Christies Auction House Catalogue in 2002. Ive removed the Post from “Anonymous” that James Gray and Leigh Olver objected to, having thought about their complaints overnight and seeking an opinion from a friend. Ive removed it even though in my opinion it was a valid expression of frustration, […]
And the Winner is….
The Poetry Competition is now closed, and I thank all the readers who took the time to write something and send it in, for maintaining interest and visits to the Blog while I have been unable to do much more than moderate submissions. I suppose I should have expected, given the nature of this Blog that […]
Paintings Pulled , Poetry Promoted.
I got this earlier today from the as yet unidentified Art promotor:Dear Dee sorry to have to inform you and your readers that for various Logistical reasons the planned Ned Kelly Art Exhibition has had to be cancelled. There is a possibility that it will go ahead next year sometime, and if that does happen […]