Here’s a thought that might have occurred to the odd Kelly Sympathiser searching for reasons to continue believing in the Republic of North East Victoria: if there was no plan for a Republic why would there have been a Sympathiser Army? Doesn’t the existence of the Sympathiser Army described by Ian Jones and all the […]
Month: February 2019
Wilfully Blind Kelly Fanaticism

In the last few days I witnessed more of the pathetic behaviour that is typical of Kelly sympathisers, and I am drawing it to your attention in this post so that nobody will be in any doubt about the quality of apologists for Ned Kelly. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I […]
What was the REAL motivation for the planned Glenrowan atrocity?

I had a really interesting discussion on Facebook last week with a guy who had the same problem as Ian Jones did about what Ned Kelly was planning for Glenrowan. He wrote “I simply cannot believe that such a monumental stunt as derailing a trooper train was done in madness… there must have been an […]
The Fatal Flaw in the Kelly Myth was created by Ian Jones

This year one of the subjects I am going to keep returning to is Stuart Dawsons free publication from last year, Ned Kelly and the Myth of a Republic of North Eastern Victoria. (If you havent read it, get your free copy by clicking on the image to the right) I said on this Blog […]